All Moi

My photo
Jelapang Road, NorthWest, Singapore
Paralyzed, numb... in pain...

Friday, August 29, 2008


So here I am again... pouring my heart out... welllllll... not exactly... hehehehe...

Maafkan bila ku tak sempurna
Cinta ini tak mungkin ku cegah
Ayat-ayat cinta bercerita
Cinta ku padamu

Okay... dat song was juz an outburst... but it does haf a deeper meaning... to someone...

I should juz stop writing juz now huh? me writing crappy stuff... i noe... coz its all coming from me rite? no matter how much i try to prevent it all, time will never come to a standstill for any man... (unless u haf d explicit power or ability to stop time... which is of course not exactly stopping it, juz dat we're able to move slower than time)...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Still On My Own Time...

Im not a fussy eater... never have been one... i'd eat anything dats halal, of course... but dis few days i haven't been feeling too well, so i have no appetite... even if i ate, it was to appease the peeps around me so they won't worry... the nitemares are back... dunno why but they are back... and i'm losing this battle of trying to upkeep a positive outlook... i'm crumbling inside and nobody noes... wish i could turn back time but i can't... somebody HELP me!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Guess It's The End...

Okay people... I'm back but not for long, I guess... Not feeling too rich these days... feeling down and out... God! I feel like I keep being a burden to everyone... Why don't I just... *sigh* I wish life was as simple as that... Yeah, it's complicated alright... I can't fathom the future, I can't even predict the now... Hahahahahahahaha... Maybe I should just...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Put An End To My Misery...

Mana mungkin ku melupakanmu
Terlalu sayang hati ini
Sedetik pun aku tak mampu
Berpisah darimu, oh Kasih...

Ku tak bisa memejamkan mata
Bila sehari tak bertemu
Kau pelita, penerang jiwa
Hidupku, matiku, kepadamu...

Walaupun kau bukan yang pertama
Hadir di dalam sanubariku
Namun kau penyebab segalanya
Pengubat, penyejuk, jiwa ini...

Terlalu sayang ku kepadamu...
Janganlah kau sakiti aku, lupakan aku, tinggalkan aku...