All Moi

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Jelapang Road, NorthWest, Singapore
Paralyzed, numb... in pain...

Friday, June 13, 2008


These two cuties are my favourite people in d whole wide world... they r my princesses... my life... my whole world revolves arnd dem... i live n die for dem... i'd do anything for dem...
My daughters: from left Siti Nur Ufa'irah (12/04/2006) n Siti Nur 'Umairah (27/02/2004)...
I love dem so very very much... but in order to give dem everything, I've had to give up precious time with dem... I had to give up a LOT n sumtimes no one understands wat I went thru n am still goin thru... and it hurts when I do so much n sacrifice so much for my daughters' sakes but pple take it dat I'm being a bad mother... IT HURTS!
I mean.. wat do I do when I'm d onli mom n dad dey will ever hav? Being a single mom of two is no joke... N being d onli 1 who is geneating d income can b very tiring n life sapping... I'm very thankful to my family members who hav been helping to lighten my load... I'd hav died wifout them all... At least my babies hav family lookin out 4 dem... but sometimes... I miss d days wen I'm always at home watchin dem n takg care of dem... back when I wasn't working... but I am committed to bringing dem up so I had to work n d time spent wif dem was d BIGGEST sacrifice I had to make... It still breaks my heart whenever I have to leave for work...
Haiz... I had an extremely difficult time trying to get my babies out of MCYS custody... esp Ufa... I onli got to hold her once ftr she was born... ftr dat...
But dats all in d past now... wat matters now is dat I haf dem safe in my hands n its up 2 me do all I can to bring dem up nice n proper... dey r VERY PRECIOUS to me... like I said... dey'r my princesses... n to dem I am their QUEEN... their evrythin'...

1 comment:


hIZ ...sadsadsad...haahahaha.....nope lar...i understand hw u going thru...and a bit very touching...ish nk cry ler...[wiping tears...] haiz...byebye ler[nid to go to the Loo...]..