All Moi

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Jelapang Road, NorthWest, Singapore
Paralyzed, numb... in pain...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Check out my hubby's ride, people...

Hey, hey, heyyyyyyyy... So what have you people been doing huh? Me? I've been busy... Hahahahaha... Busy fantasizing about a life I know I will never get to have. Busy realising that life still has a lot to offer me. And, busy making myself busy so that I won't have the chance to remember my past.
Aniways, I'm bored and dead tired. Sick of this sickening world, which is full of sickening people around me (my hubby n children not included... ohhh, n those people close to me lah (just in case you guys 'terasa'))...
We're getting a new ride soon so I posted the pictures of our current ride. I'll miss her (name's Hadiana btw) but I bet we'll have fun with our new one!!! So this is a tribute to Diana and us!
Woohooo!!! Up for a Fazer anyone? Wakakakakaka... (I wish... *sigh*) Nah... Getting a spark instead... Gotcha!!! I'll post pictures of our new bike soon yah...
Eliza T signing out

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